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SB Sultan  -
SB Sultan  -
Critical Reading: Gaming the Literary: On Video Games and Literature[[http://www.nymgamer.com/?p=12515]]
Critical Reading: Gaming the Literary: On Video Games and Literature[[http://www.nymgamer.com/?p=12515]]
Darkness - Chapter 1, Yedda Morrison [[http://littleredleaves.com/ebooks/darkness.pdf]]
Creative Work: 100 Funny Video Game Memes [[https://www.gamedesigning.org/video-game-memes/]]
LCS ~ Unit: The Role of Social Media in Preserving Poetry
LCS ~ Unit: The Role of Social Media in Preserving Poetry

Revision as of 13:10, 31 October 2017


UCLA 2017 ENGL 116B

Collectively compiled & appended to the "official" syllabus, 10.26.17.

RP ~ YouTube Vids and Views

                     Critical Readings: I Cheated YouTube for 5 Months and Finally got Caught [[1]]
                     Creative Works:   "The Chase" Interactive Video [[2]]

SB Sultan - Critical Reading: Gaming the Literary: On Video Games and Literature[[3]] Creative Work: 100 Funny Video Game Memes [[4]]

LCS ~ Unit: The Role of Social Media in Preserving Poetry

                     Critical Readings: Digital Poets: Can Social Media Save Poetry (Natalie Zfat) [[5]]; Hello 'Poetry' [[6]]
                     Creative Works:    Top 10 Poetic Tweets (LW Lundquist) [[7]]; Instagram: @poemsporn_ [[8]]

LR - Textualities and Interactive Fiction

Critical Readings : Nick Montfort "Riddle Machines: The History and Nature of Interactive Fiction" [[9]]
Creative Works : Stevens & Montfort [[10]] Personal Fav: Field of Dreams

QG ~ Writing in Electronic Age

                     Critical Readings: The End of Books (Robert Coover) [[11]]
                     Creative Works:   Screen (Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Josh Carroll, Robert Coover, et. al.) [[12]]

a.k. – interactive fiction

                     Critical Readings: Toward a Theory of Interactive Fiction (Nick Monfort)  [[13]]
                     Creative Works:   Photopia by Adam Cadre (1998) ( [[14]]

.jk. – Consequences of Disappearing Electronic vs. Print Literature

                     Critical Readings: One + One = Zero – Vanishing Text in Electronic Literature (Marjorie C. Luesebrink) [[15]] 
                     Vanishing Letters in Text-based Digital Installations (Janez Strehovec) [[16]]
                     Creative Work: Share a secret – One Time [[17]]

I.B. - Interactive Fiction

                     Critical Work: Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures (JENNIFER S. ROUDABUSH) [[18]]
                     Creative Works: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky) [[19]] [[20]]

TC- Fan Fiction

                    Critical Readings: Fan fiction, fandoms, and literature: or, why it’s time to pay attention to fan fiction (Christina Yatrakis) [[21]]

                    Creative Work: HEATHENS (--LJ--)  [[22]]

JR - Remediation

          "Critical Reading:" Emoji Portrait Art [[23]]
          "Creative Work"     Emoji Ink [[24]]

SG - Serial Narrative through Social Media

                    Critical Reading: Seriality and Storytelling in Social Media (Ruth Page) [25]
                    Creative Works: Black Box (Jennifer Egan) [26] (Tweet Collection), [27] (PDF Format)
                    Dear David (Adam Ellis) [28] (Tweet Collection), [29] (Actual Twitter Account)

RT - Twitter Fiction

                     Critical Readings: The Great American Twitter Novel (Ian Crouch) [30]
                     Twitter Fiction: Social Networking and Microfiction in 140 Characters (Carla Raguseo) [31]
                     Neil Gaiman sets Twitter ablaze with fan collaboration (Laura Blackwell) [32]
                     Neil Gaiman + Twitter = Interactive Storytelling (Barb Dybwab) [33]
                     Twitter Fiction: A New Creative Literary Landscape (Laila Al Sharaqi) [34]
                     Twitter Fiction: A Shift in Author Function (Hilary Hyman) [35]
                     Margaret Atwood talks Twitter Fiction and near-genius hashtags (Isabelle Biedenharn) [36]
                     Twitter Fiction Reveals The Power of Very, Very Short Stories (Maddie Crum) [37]
                     Adventures in Twitter Fiction (Andrew Fitzgerald) [38]

                     Creative Works: THE RIGHT SORT from Sceptre Books on Twitter [39]
                     Twitter fiction: 21 authors try their hand at 140-character novels [40]
                     Hearts, Keys and Puppetry by Neil Gaiman and the Twitterverse [41]
                     13 Beautiful Pieces of Twitter Fiction Remind Us How Powerful Reading Can Be (Anne Charlton) [42]
                     OUTSHINE [43]
                     Nanoism [44]
                     7x20 [45]
                     Jennifer Egan's Black Box [46]
                     A Calendar of Tales by Neil Gaiman [47]

BKS - Digital Academia

                     Critical Reading: Living in a Digital World: Rethinking Peer Review, Collaboration, and Open Access by Shiela Cavangh [48]
                    Creative Work: The Knotted Line [49]

B.L. - The Transformation of ELit: Different Forms on Social Media

                     Critical Readings: Towards a History of Electronic Literature [50]
                     Digital poet Jason Nelson urges others to forge new frontiers in electronic literature [51]
                     Has Twitter given birth to a new literary genre? [52]
                     Creative Work: InstagramELiterature [53]
                     Real Human Praise [54]

H.A. - Tweet

                     ""Critical Readings:"" A Literature Review On Twitter Data Analysis [55]
                     ""Creative Work"": Lonely Tweets :'( [56]

LM - Snapchat

                     Critical Readings: The Oral Paradigm and Snapchat (Oren Soffer) [57]
                     Creative Works:    Snap Art (Dasha Battelle) [58]

HA - Typography/Fonts

                     Critical Readings: “Type:Rider” Is The Ultimate Video Game About Typography [59]
                     Creative Works: Type Rider | Part 1 | Let's Play Gameplay Walkthrough Playthrough [60]

BL-S - Vaporwave

                     Critical Readings: Do You Want Vaporwave, or Do You Want the Truth? [61]
                     Creative Works:  ff015 - t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者 and Silver Richards - 夜遊び tape by freak friendly diy [62]

RS- Materiality

                     Critical Readings: The Aesthetics of Materiality in Electronic Literature (Serge Bouchardon) [63]
                     Creative Works:    Richard With Hair Doing Things (Richard MacDougall) [64]

J.C. - Hypertext Fiction

                     Critical Readings: Reading Hypertext and the Experience of Literature (David S. Miall and Teresa Dobson) [65]
                     Creative Works: 24 Hours (Philippa J Burne) [66]
                     My Body - a Wunderkammer (Shelley Jackson) [67]
                     Shade (Andrew Plotkin) [68]

AW - Videogame Design

                     Critical Readings: Maria Garda, "Nostalgia in Retro Game Design" [[69]]
                     Bryant David Thomas "New Retro: An Exploration of Modern Video Games With A Retro Aesthetic" [[70]]
                     Creative Works: Cuphead [[71]] Actual game available on STEAM [[72]]

DK - Interfaces

                     Critical Readings: "Race In/For Cyberspace: Identity Tourism and Racial Passing on the Internet" Lisa Nakamura [73]
                     Creative Works: Between Page and Screen by Amarunth Borsuk [74]
                     Bad Nudes [75] 
                     Laurel Halo and Hatsune Miku [76]] and [[77]
                     Solitude by Martine Syms [78]
                     Dissolution of the Sovereign… by Elysia Crampton [79]
                     Glass press [80]

KU- Instagram

                     Critical Readings: What is Instagram and Why is it so Popular [81]
                     Instagram Influences Creative Work [82]
                     Creative Works: Instagram-Creative Workshop [83] The 20 Most Creative Instagram Pages [84]


Spirit Surfing, Kevin Bewersdorf [85]
Screen. Image. Text., Orit Gat [86]
Jodi's Infrastructure, Alexander R. Galloway [87]
Live Simulations, Ian Cheng [88]
When all my friends are on at once [89]
Tripod Zoo by my dear friend Gabe Pine! [90]

J.K. -Interactive Fiction

Creative: "Choose Your Own Youtube Adventure!" [[91]] Critical: "On Visual Novels, One in Particular" [[92]]

SK - Commenting on Comments

                     Critical: Why Are YouTube Comments the Worst on the Internet [[93]] 
                     Creative: Rooster_86 [[94]]
                     We Didn't Start the Flame War [[95]]


                     Critical Readings: Fast, Cheap, and Good: Why Animated GIFs Engage Us [96]
                     How GIF Won the Internet [97]
                     Creative Works: The Story of Gif [98]
                     Being An English Major as told by 'The Office' [99]
                     Classical Art as Gifs [100]

j.l. – interactive fiction

                     Critical Readings: Electronic Literature its Emerging Forms (by Dr. Dene Grigar) [[101]]
                     Creative Works: r/nosleep ( [[102]]

SS - Critiques of The Internet via the Internet (or, Supreme Hypocrisy)

                     Critical Readings: A conceptual and methodological critique of internet addiction research: Towards a model of compensatory internet use 
                     [103], On the Democratizing and De-Democratizing Logics of the Internet, or, toward a Critique of the New 
                     Technological Fetishism [104]
                     Creative Readings: Screen-Free Parenting Facebook Group [105], "Pure Living for Life" Off-the-Grid YouTube personality/info 
                     channel [106], Digital Detox Twitter page [107], Camp Grounded: where adults go to 
                     unplug [108]

H.H. - Interactive fiction

        Critical Readings:Reading from paper versus screens: a critical review of the empirical literature (by Andrew Dillon) [[109]]
        Creative Readings:Twine Emoji game [[110]]

AH - Translating Electronic Literature

        Critical Readings: Translating Electronic Literature [[111]]
        Creative Work: Amore de Clarice [[112]]


                     Critical Readings: Jeff Watson, "Games Beyond the ARG" [[113]]
                     Michael Anderson "The Optimist" Draws Fans Into Fictionalized Disney History" [[114]]
                     "Inside The Optimist: Solving Disney’s alternate reality game – What We Know" [[115]]
                     Bryan Bishop "How Disney Imagineering revealed the secrets of Tomorrowland two years ago" [[116]]


        Critical Reading:Game Studies: Narrative, Games, and and Theory [117]
        Creative Reading: Depression Quest [118], The Matter of the Great Dragon [119], The Temple of No [120]

AG - Memes

       "'Critical Reading:'" The Rise of Memes as an Art Form [121]
                                     How to Run a Successful Meme Page [122]
        "'Creative Work:'" Fuck Jerry [123]
                                   UCLA Memes for Sick AF Tweens [124]

msl. - Interactive Film

       Critical Readings: I-Docs: The Evolving Practices of Interactive Documentary by Ben Moskowitz, Chapter 12: https://goo.gl/Di3HrE
       Creative Work: Arcade Fire, The Wilderness Downtown: http://www.thewildernessdowntown.com/ (An interactive film by Chris Milk) If the link doesn't work, watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrnn_ccnVPI

- #Evil–Dead–Haunted–Zombie Media

       Critical Readings:  Bruce Sterling, Dead Media Manifesto [[125]], Interview [[126]]
       Garnet Hertz and Jussi Parrika, “Zombie Media” [[127]]
       Matthew Fuller and Andrew Goffey, Evil Media, “Introduction” [[128]]
       Jeffery Sconce, Haunted Media, Chapter 1: “Mediums and Media” [[129]]
       Friedrich Kittler, “Dracula’s Legacy” [[130]]

       Creative Readings: Garnet Hertz, A Collection of Many Problems (In Memory of The Dead Media Handbook) [[131]]
       Dead Media Catalog [[132]]
       Julius Nelson, Artyping [[133]]
       Lorenzo Thomas, Dracula [[134]]